Thursday, July 26, 2012

Who will teach Manners

Kulli and her dad go to the bus stop every morning , stand in a line waiting for the bus and board the bus. This morning I went  with Kulli. We were third in the  line. In front of us there was a high school kid and first in the line was Kulli's classmate. After 2 minutes. There was another high school kid and he joined the one in front of us. Then 2 more kids joined the line. I told these boys, that we are in line , so and stand in the line. The boys though unhappy went and stood in the line.

But what bothers is, we as parents always tell kulli not to break the line, and wait for her turn. Did  the parents of those boys miss out in instilling this basic manners in them or did they just  decide to ignore?

I have often seen big kids push my kulla when he is trying to slide down . But there are few kids who are compassionate and they  actually help him.

The question is did the parents of unruly , ill mannered kids are themselves like that? Or  they forgot to instil values in them? Or the kids  rebelled against the values that their parents taught? It bothers me to even imagine my kids acting rude and bullying  other small kids when they grow up. I keep wondering how will my gentle kind kulli turn out  as   a teenager?

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Kulla Kulli

I am trying hard to instil some of my own beliefs on Kulli. I told her that God help those only who help themselves. So if  you  do things on your own like washing your bum, taking bath, then God will help you. And also I told kulli that in times of distress just call God, he will help you.

Scene: 1
Location: Play Area in apartment.
Kulla  has climbed a huge slide through stirs. Instead of coming down the slide he  is standing on the landing and trying to bend down and see whether  the audience that's me are clapping.
Me: Kulli , please come here , quickly go climb the stairs and ask Kulla  to slide down.
Kulli: Chanting loudly Vakra tunda Maha kaya and climbing the stairs of the  slide.
I am amazed, and everybody is looking at us.
Kulli: Climbs the stairs gets Kulla to slide down.
Me:I asked her why are you telling the shloka?
Kulli: I am asking God for help.If I pray in my mind, how will God listen?

Monday, July 9, 2012

Yoga and me

I was into Yoga when I was  in engineering. But somehow pregnancy, motherhood and then work kept me away. But I was always hoping  to start again.
Finally when ,yoga classes started in my apartment community hall from 5.15 am to 6.15 am thrice a week , I signed up.The first class was extremely painful, my limbs ached and I felt I should never get from my shavasana in between my class.
But now after around 12  classes, I feel great. I can actually touch my toes, stand on my head and do perfect surya namskaras close to 25 in one sitting.But I still don't like my yoga sir actually correcting my poses, by touching me.

Am  I more healthy, I don't think so. But I am more flexible. I know that with practise I can even stand on my head.But what I am shocked is the price. My teacher charges 1250 for 12 classes. But I used to learn yoga from Vivekananda Yoga centre for a meagre sum of 200 Rs. Even now it seems they charge just 400 Rs for 5 days a week class.

So why has yoga classes become so expensive. I do normal yoga , not some power yoga or bikram yoga. I think, for some people teaching Yoga is life. It seems you can make a good living  now, by teaching yoga, since people want personalised classes, they want spot reduction and all kind of frills.Hence probably they charge more.I  just  saw  a website advertising yoga for children also.

But irrespective of the cost, the  benefits are immense.I hope I continue doing it as long as I live.

I can do this too